We have the best listing optimisation software on the planet but, if you don’t want to use it yourselves, we can do it for you.


Marketplace sales are cumulative: the more channels you’re selling on, the more you will sell. Our software is specifically designed so users can tap into many channels but, even with our unparalleled automation, managing multiple channels still requires people.

Our Professional Services team is here with the skills you need to manage, drive, guide and assist. Whether you need some skills to complement your own or want to fully outsource, we’re here to help.

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Managed Launch

Let us take the heavy lifting and ensure you get set up quickly and in the right way. We’ll connect your systems, configure your imports and train you on everything we’ve done so you can hit the ground running.

Fixed-term projects

Need holiday cover or help setting some new products. Regardless of your needs we are here to ensure you maintain momentum and grab all the opportunities available to you.

Campaign Management

Listing, monitoring, reporting, consulting, training. Let us know what you need (or talk to us if you’re not sure) and we’ll put a package together at a price that works.


It’s often the case that you need the most help you’re first getting set up. Each channel has its own rules and requirements which can take an age to research.

With us on the team, you have experts on tap to help you quickly understand what is required and to make the most of the opportunity. Whether you want us for a short time or on an ongoing basis we are here to make your campaign a success.

rules and regulations

listings optimization

Well crafted listings generate extra sales.


According to eBay, 80% of products are found through searches (the other 20% through browsing in case you were wondering). If you don’t have the right keywords in the right places, you won’t get found. Simple.


Once they have their search results, buyers then focus on using category and attribute filters. Get this wrong, and your products simply won’t show up for work. This is a hassle for you. Bread and butter for us.


Buyers want to know if your product is going to meet their needs. But their needs differ. Good imagery, features and descriptions improve conversion rates as they tell buyers if your product is a good fit. It keeps returns down too.


Your data needs to be matched differently to each channel you want to sell on, increasing your work and putting the brakes on your expansion. Let us expand your horizons.